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The Power of Horizontal Thinking

Because men, groping in the Arctic darkness, had found a yellow metal, and because steamship and transportation companies were booming the find, thousands of men were rushing into the Northland.

Lucky America

To those of you who have not read my books Raising a Thief or Master, Minion we are slashing prices on the Kindle version for just this weekend. So download and enjoy and, if you like them, please post a review!

Letter from Buenos Aires

This is a free post to give you a sense of what paid subscribers see. Writing these posts takes effort. If you value the content, sign up. Those funds help finance the research.

Nikki in NH


Villains, Perpetrators, Markets

“Four hoarse blasts of a ship’s whistle still raise the hair on my neck and set my feet to tapping.”

Avoiding Drawdowns

Today I am writing about drawdowns and market surprises. If you are here for the investment logic jump to the paid section.

Letter from Taiwan

As regular readers know, I mix looking at the numbers with on-the-ground research. Thus, Letter from Mississippi, Letter from Santiago, Letter from Tbilisi, Letter from Kyiv and today’s note. Also, for those of you who read and enjoyed Master, Minion, please submit a review on Amazon. Did I mention that books make great holiday gifts?

Never Look Away

“If you will take my advice you will tell us everything…” -Mr. Skinner.

Letter from Kyiv

Subscribers: I will hold a zoom tomorrow (Sunday, August 6) at 11 Am East Coast time if you have questions about this post or any other topic. Call details are behind the paywall.

Cold War, Hot War & the Front Line

If someone forwarded this to you, my name is Paul, you can read about me here. This Substack grows via word-of-mouth, so please forward to your friends. If you like this writing, you will enjoy my books Master, Minion and Raising a Thief as well as the podcast. Subscriptions are a vote of confidence.